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Full Moon Women's Lenape Circle (Virtual)

All women are welcomed to join us for our Full Moon Lenape Circle facilitated by Maddi Cheers. We will give thanks, share council, prayers and the sweetness of each others company. We are ever grateful to have this beautiful tradition and share it with reverence and gratitude. This offering is free of charge, sacred reciprocity is offered by exchanging stories, sharing berries and strengthening our sisterhood.

It is recommended that you have berries, incense, a bowl of water, tobacco, and corn meal or flour for the circle.

This is a free event

How to Prepare

It is recommended that you have berries, incense, a bowl of water, tobacco, and corn meal or flour for the circle.

We will start with an ancestor honoring ritual which will include eating berries for cleansing. You are invited to set an altar that focuses on your intentions for the next 2 weeks, 2 months, and/or year or more. This can be made any way that feels authentic to you. Pictures, rocks, sacred belongings, natural elements, candles.

Since we won’t be around the fire you might light some incense so the smoke can carry our prayers to the Creator. In Native America you do not ask for something without making an offering, so you will need a bowl of water and tobacco, corn meal or flour for the offering.

Since we are not physically together around a fire we will put our prayer offering into the water and then pour the water and offering on the ground after the ceremony.

Earlier Event: December 4
Care for the Wounded Healer (In Person)
Later Event: January 15
CavePractice: The Art of Self Healing