is the founder of Dream. Her practice includes yoga therapy for individuals, couples and families with a special interest in working with women throughout the lifecycle. Her practice addresses spiritual, physical, relational and psychological concerns through meditation, heart-to-heart discussion and practices to relieve trauma and make meaningful connections. She is a multi-lineage practitioner who draws from poetry, folk and wisdom traditions to weave intuitive healing encounters. She works as an apprentice with teachers and initiators in oriental medicine, Curanderismo, Yoga and soul activism.
Luisa facilitates seasonal community grief rituals, women's council circles and Interfaith Leadership trainings designed to forge deep connections with what is sacred. She is currently completing her Master’s of Divinity at Union Seminary and also holds a terminal degree in Poetry and has studied at Smith School for Social Work.
One-on-one yoga therapy sessions are available with Luisa who offers a meditative space to deeply explore emotional, physical, interpersonal, familial and soul issues and to move towards wellness in a personal and intimate setting.
Stand alone consultations are available for work on a specific trauma or issue in need of ceremony or resolution or in an ongoing way for those who desire a deeper partnership.