Building on the foundations of KRI Level 1, the KRI Level 2 Immersions are about personal transformation, deepening core capacity, character and consciousness. Lead by Guru Dharam and Siri Sat, you will cultivate your yogic capacities of intuition, neutrality and self-love.

Level 2 Training Program consists of five 60-hour modules

These five modules are the building blocks that highlight:

  • An opportunity for each person to awaken their capacity, character and sensitivity as a self-sensory human being who can be effective, intuitive, creative and compassionate.

  • Tools to amplify the projection of identity (Sat Nam); the embodiment of character through word and behavior; and the expansion and deepening of a teacher’s state of consciousness.


The Level 2 Modules

 Upcoming Dates

Mind & Meditation

I commit to refine my meditative capacity. I invite my mind into my conscious presence, investigate its nature, and learn to master it so that it serves my consciousness and my soul. I will work to recognize and develop the many parts of my mind. I integrate and apply the functional minds to my daily habits and behaviors so that I develop a clear, intuitive, and effective mind. To conquer my mind is to cultivate a relationship to its actions and an awareness of its functional parts. I form a relationship to my own awareness, self, mind and Infinite being. My life blossoms with unlimited blessings.

Deepen your practice of meditation, clarify the relationship between you and your mind, and explore the basic nature and dynamics of the mind. Our relationship to our own mind is pivotal in effectively realizing our true nature and fulfilling our potential. We have the ability to experience our humanity and recognize the One Infinite Being that creates all and which is in all. The greatest power is the ability to act with a Neutral Mind, to use intuition along with applied intelligence and to lean on the Infinite through the sacred science known as prayer.

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Be able to use the functional minds with fluency, understand the influence of the impersonal minds, cultivate shuniya and apply intuition and intelligence with ease and flexibility. Conquer your mind and conquer the world. Come into a relationship with your mind and the Self which transcends time and space and relates to the oneness of your identity with Infinity.

  • Enhance the depth of your understanding of meditation and experience deep meditations on the nine aspects of the mind.

  • Focus on your relationship to your own mind.

  • Increase your ability to observe neutrally, to become still, to clear your mind of distractions and intrigues, to recognize when you establish a state of shuniya, and to recognize the different functional parts of your mind.

  • Experience and practice the use of intuition as a primary skill of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.

  • Learn the structure of the mind and examine the impersonal minds, the qualities of the mind, and the nine aspects of the mind.

  • Understand how to use the 27 projections of the mind.

Vitality & Stress

I cultivate my core vitality to honor and use the opportunities that come with each breath—to receive them as a gift. I recognize the value of my physical and energetic bodies and take steps to maintain them. I thrive under stress and challenge; I am a spiritual warrior who leads, uplifts and delivers effective decisions. I practice a lifestyle that incorporates continuous preventative habits for vitality and victory. I have the mental and spiritual endurance to cross every crisis and be a beacon to navigate and excel in the Aquarian Age.

In this 50 hour course, cultivate the core skill for this coming age – the ability to recognize stress in ourselves and others and develop the tools to transform it and balance it with conscious relaxation. Kundalini Yoga prepares each of us to be teachers who act with undaunted spirit, exalted caliber and character, and the vitality to cross every crisis.

This course is a chance to look closely at how we react to, cope with and master our vitality.

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Explore the nature of our stress identity as individuals and cross-culturally. Use kriyas and meditations as well as other processes to identify our stressors and the tools you will need to balance and uplift ourselves and others.

  • Explore Your Vitality and Recognize Consciousness as the Core of Vitality

  • Identify Your Stress

  • Heal Cold Depression and Emotional Fatigue

  • Relieve, Relax, Recharge

  • Realize the Victory of the Spiritual Warrior

 Conscious Communication

I have integrated conscious communication into all areas of my life. My communication uplifts others to their own consciousness. I represent my whole self directly. I speak each word consciously, understanding that it is witnessed by my own consciousness and supported by the Cosmos. I create harmonious communication even with those who oppose me. I am heard in the hearts of others as I hear and qualify my own words as I speak.

What do we mean by communication? The definition of communication is a practice that creates a “common notion” with another person or object of attention…At what level do we communicate? Did you ever learn that your existence is your communication? Your projection is your relationship? You are the power? But life is often sour. There is no happiness, because your communication has no purpose of Self. You communicate to impress someone. You don’t communicate to relate you to someone. That’s why you suffer now. You don’t communicate consciously.


Use your communication skills to create a common notion with others—even those you disagree with. Communicate your whole Self, with awareness, kindness and fearlessness. Listen—don’t just hear. Elevate your communication to the power of creative dialogue so that life becomes a flow, in harmony with the Infinite.

  • Recognize and contrast conscious communication with other types of communication

  • The role of silence and shuniya in communication

  • The art of deep listening—sunni-ai

  • Mastering the Fifth Chakra

  • Recognizing your shadow and overcoming your blocks through applied consciousness

  • Communicating with the Infinite and the nature of prayer

 Authentic Relationships

I have integrated authentic relationships into all areas of my life. My relationships are held in a manner that uplifts everyone and does not let anyone down. I have befriended my own soul. I recognize myself and I am in a creative, dynamic relationship with my Infinite Self, which is God. My ability to love myself is the foundation for authentic love with others. I understand the dynamic of polarities in relationships and I respond to them creatively and authentically. I act from my true self to project love and wisdom and conquer any fears and defenses that may taint my relationships. I cultivate my intuition, scope and caliber and apply them to every relationship. I have forgiven all hurts and injuries and act with integrity to friend and foe. I understand that my soul chose my family and I creatively interact, heal, forgive and relate to my lineage as human beings who like me want to be healthy, happy and holy. I act from consciousness, beyond polarity, to honor the masculine and feminine within me and around me. As a teacher I form all my relationships in the grace, honor and integrity of the Golden Chain to fulfill my destiny.

Integrate authentic relationships into your life and your teaching. Explore and understand how we form, sustain and honor relationships. Our success as Kundalini Yoga teachers and as conscious human beings depends on our capacity to be authentic and respond from our hearts; our primary objective is to examine our relationships and improve our effectiveness, authenticity and awareness within them.

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Use awareness, contemplation and meditation to revision your relationship to self and other. Forgive the past and heal the present. Release yourself from the wounds of love and begin to live authentically. Recognize the patterns that keep you from expressing your true Self and create a new template: give and receive love from abundance, consciousness and ease.

  • Explore what an authentic relationship is and what it’s not

  • Relate to your soul as the foundation for authentic relationships

  • Understand the special challenges that long-term relationships and marriage face in the Aquarian Age

  • Identify the common ways we make relationships fail

  • Develop self-love as a key to authentic relationships

  • Identify our core paradox and transform it from problem to opportunity

  • Create a conscious relationship with your own masculine and feminine energies

  • Develop Sacred Community

 Lifestyles & Lifecycles

“I cultivate promoting habits that are in balance with the natural stages and rhythms of my life and environments. I invite success by having a clear purpose and sense of self. I accomplish my goals with progressive, proportionate actions. I am aware of how to live and die consciously. I continuously clear my subconscious so I can act intentionally with grace and purpose”

In this 50 hour course, cultivate the core skill for this coming age.  Discover mystery and mastery through every cycle of life.

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Explore you and your relationship to your destiny cycle. It is about practical disciplines and attitudes that let you steer a course toward an extraordinary life.

  • Identify habits, attitudes and practices that help or hinder your life in the present, past and future.

  • Examine and map out the stages and cycles of life.

  • Learn to deeply understand our death. Confront the fear of death and learn to live weightlessly.

  • Renew your self-concept by discovering your purpose and destiny for living an extraordinary life.

 About the Teachers


Siri Sat teaches Kundalini Yoga with clarity and impact. She is a KRI Lead Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and part of the teaching team and coordinator of the Kundalini Medicine Yoga Therapy Training worldwide. She is a certified IAYT Yoga Therapist well-grounded in energetic healing. She has a very active international profile and extensive experience of teaching in a wide variety of arenas with a her home base in New York City.Siri Sat is the Founder/Director of Kundalini Yatras Inc., leading meditative journeys to sacred lands including India, Egypt, and Mexico. These retreats offer life changing immersions in Kundalini practice and the potential of receiving spiritual transmission and soul guidance from the heart of these magnificent ancient cultures.Siri Sat embodies an elegant and precise approach to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, her specialty in Posture and Alignment is enhanced by earlier training as a professional dancer and choreographer and her love and practice of other hatha yoga disciplines. She is known for her authenticity and sense of humor.

Guru Dharam has taught Kundalini yoga since 1979 and is a lead KRI Trainer for all levels. He founded the Lotus Healing Centre, a multidisciplinary holistic facility, in London in 1989 and served as the Vice Principal of the London Academy of Oriental Medicine until 1997. His formal qualifications have been complemented by intensive postgraduate interdisciplinary study of the esoteric; Kabbalah, Meso-American Shamanic Dreaming, West African healing practice and study of the Mastery Path, White Lotus healing, Black Hat Feng Shui and the Red Thread empowerments. Since 1980 Guru Dharam has developed The International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Training also known as Kundalini Medicine, applying the science of Kundalini, mantra and visualization along with Eastern/Chinese Medicine and his other qualifications to helping to empower many thousands of people toward a healthier and happier life. Guru Dharam is recognized as a highly experienced masterful Teacher.



Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need to Complete the Modules in Order?

The modules can be completed in any order

Can I Take Just One?

Yes, they can be taken independently of the full certification.

Can Anyone Receive the Certification?

Attendance to the modules is open, but in order to be admitted to the full program and receive certification, students must have a Level 1 teaching certificate, Passing grade of 75 or higher on the Final Exam, Attendance at all 48 hours of classroom study, Completion of 12 hours of home study (per module).

What are the Home Study Requirements

6 hours of study group meetings and/or conference calls 40 days of journaling Completion of 90 days of the assigned meditation for the course